Take Time for the Sparrows

I’ve been gone a few weeks. I’ve flown halfway across the world to meet with thousands of Filipino police officers and their wives. It was a mind-blowing trip, one that has already enhanced my vision of what I’m aiming to accomplish through my book, blog, and beyond. In future posts, I will share some of the lessons I learned, observations that apply to us here in America.

My intention was to post many of my thoughts along the way – but frankly, the thoughts were too many as the trip progressed forward. Sometimes life comes too quickly, and the things we see and experience are just too big to process in the moment.

I flew home on a 14-hour flight with the Guys snoring on either side of me, trying to get comfortable in a seat that doesn’t recline far enough, my legs cramped up in a space too small for my comfort, and in my sleepless stupor I’m trying to figure out – what did I learn?

We touched down in San Francisco and thus started another whirlwind – hugs hello to Chief and the kiddos, hugs goodbye to eight new brothers, a very large double-double animal from In and Out (much appreciated and enjoyed), and spewing out random things I experienced. I don’t even remember the first two days home. But then I jumped into three birthday celebrations, a speaking thing, a book event and all while experiencing serious jet lag and missing Manila in a big way. And then strep throat hit.

Do you ever have times like this? When you can’t seem to come up for air? Seasons where it is one thing after another and it’s nothing short of chaos? Stop the world – I wanna get off! When your mind is on auto-pilot and your body is moving from one thing to the next? I KNOW you’ve been there… probably more times than you can count.

So, finally, I sit here pondering what to say, and I just have to take time to breathe. In. Out. In. Out. And I notice and relish the distant sound of the dryer (the third load this morning) and the sparrows that are chirping outside after several days of rain. Sigh…

Our lives as police wives (and regular wives, mothers – heck, as just plain women!) are full. It seems like we rush here and there, changing diapers, cooking, working, running uniforms to the dry cleaners, managing our homes, driving the kids to ballet and baseball…crossing off the proverbial to-do list. But sometimes it’s good to just be alone and ponder what we’re learning in the midst of it. What have we seen? Is it significant? What treasures am I thankful for? How am I making a difference in the lives that touch my own?

Perhaps you’re in a season of chaos right now. But when the moment comes, take some time and listen to the sparrows. It’s a beautiful thing.


  1. Abby Longshore on March 22, 2012 at 5:14 pm

    Glad u made it back safe & are finally getting a chance to breathe. Hope to hear more about the trip. A couple weeks ago, I invited other SWAT wives over for lunch. There are a few newbies I havent really met. Only 4 came, but we had a chance to talk a bit. My house is pretty rural so it’s not a convenient location. The guys seem to appreciate the effort. I willl try again in a month. It’s gonna be a slow process I think. Its my goal to have sisterhood among us.
    Among all the chaos, quiet time is a luxury. We are constantly being told “5 min alone is all u need for a break ” Really? not! Then “Just 30 min a day to exercise.” ok? Then just “20 min a day to meditate or pray” whatever! It never ceases to suprise me that theses words of wisdom always come from folks who have assistants, sitters,…etc. It’d be a fulltime job trying to make evrything that is supposed to be a “priority” a priority. I hear it from the dentist, chiropractor, church leaders, fitness gurus, Dr Oz, teachers,….EVERYTHING is a priority! ugh.

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