Posts Tagged ‘communication’
Chp 10: Little Future Cops – Being a kid of a cop
Our three boys grew up knowing the risks. We never lied to them about it, but it wasn’t what we talked about at the dinner table either. But what they…
Read MoreChp 9: Silver Bullets: Money & Your Marriage-Tips on reducing costs
Bonus! Once our oldest daughter was born, I quit work and stayed home with our children. It was reducing to one income that forced us to pinch pennies. We had…
Read MoreChp 9: Silver Bullets-Money & Your Marriage-Ideas and Hope
Keep Your Money Life Intact Spend less than you earn. This should be a no-brainer, but most people just don’t adhere to this idea. When I was a newlywed, my…
Read MoreChp 9: Silver Bullets-Money & Your Marriage-How to talk
Money Talks Ted and Sarah have difficulty talking about money, as it is a constant source of conflict. Ted gets frustrated that he works hard to bring in the money…
Read MoreChp 9: Silver Bullets: Money and Your Marriage
“Don’t even consider keeping up with the Joneses. THEY’RE BROKE!” “The number one cause of divorce in North America is stress due to money problems.” Dave Ramsey, financial advisor…
Read MoreChp 8: Stuff Happens. When Hard Times Come
It isn’t a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Stress can create police marriage problems but you can be prepared. Because my husband has PTSD from his deployment…
Read MoreChp 6: Short v. Long Term Thinking-Emotional Baggage
When I Moved In, I Brought My Baggage Jim and Angie sat across from us, their meals barely touched. They recounted an issue that they couldn’t get past in their…
Read MoreChp. 6: Short v. Long Term Thinking: Dealing with Fear
Proactive Steps To Deal with Fear We can know the odds and be prepared for the worst. But there are always those close calls and creepy little feelings that come…
Read MoreChp 6: Thick Skin, Soft Heart: How To Deal Emotionally
I don’t wear the badge on a uniform. But when you’re married to an officer, you wear the shadow of their badge on your heart. Pat, wife of a CHP…
Read MoreChp 5: Game Face, His Coping Mechanisms
His Coping Mechanisms Your cop will have his ways to deal with stress. You may not be crazy about some of them, but, if it’s working, you need to let…
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