It’s Usually Movie Night
It’s usually movie night (his turn to pick.)
It’s usually date night at home. A time of fun snacks and flirting and enjoying the first night of our weekend, just us.
But he only got 3 hours of sleep last night. He went to church with us this morning. He helped a friend move. Then he helped me host other friends for dinner. They left, and he helped again to get our daughter into bed. Then he fell asleep on the couch.
So I relax a bit on my own. I lock the house up for the night.
I set his phone to “do not disturb” and turn off all the lights so he can sleep soundly.
And I head to bed alone. But it’s okay. “Lots of people got shot,” he said when I asked him about work last night. After the hell he has seen this week, the least I can do is look out for him, for his needs.
I look at all that he has done the last 24 hours and see a man who has put himself at the very bottom of the list. So I make sure he’s first on mine.
He’ll apologize tomorrow for falling asleep on me, for not hanging out like we usually do. And I’ll give him a hug and a kiss and reassure him it really is okay.
Because I’m a police wife and this is what I do. 
Written by Rebekah B., Law Enforcement Wife