Hiking Life

It was a beautiful day in Yosemite National Park and about fifteen of us decided to take an easy, one-hour hike around Mirror Lake. Little did we know it would…

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July 17th

Today is July 17, 2013, or 7-17, simply put. Maybe this day means nothing to you. It’s just another day. It’s another day to live and breathe and move about.…

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The Three Cord Strand

Recently Chief and I went to a co-worker’s wedding. During the ceremony, the couple braided three cords together as a symbol of their new marriage. One cord for the bride,…

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Their faces showed slight surprise, eyes expectant. They shyly held onto to every word the police officer said, switching back from his face to the translator. Kids played nearby oblivious…

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Memorial Day

Since this time last year, I’ve been working on a project called Selfish Prayer. I am the ghostwriter, which means that I write a book for someone else. That someone…

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